If your child has a disability and has difficulty performing everyday tasks or “occupations,” early intervention services and occupational therapists can provide the necessary help
Occupational therapy (OT) is the therapeutic use of activities to help school-aged children with disabilities perform simple everyday tasks, or “occupations,” such as dressing, eating, playing Simon Says, and writing school essays. It is provided in a variety of settings, including Early Intervention (EI) services before children even enter school. EI consists of a team of health-care professionals working to promote development in children aged 0 to 3 years. Occupational therapists use a combination of evidence-based strategies (proven by research) and creativity to help children learn and to be as independent as possible. They also provide evaluations to determine the need for continuing services in preschool or kindergarten and are involved in the transition process.
Even if your child has never had EI services, a kindergarten teacher may recommend an OT evaluation if the child has difficulty with:
16946 Sherman Way, unit 100
Lake Balboa, CA 91406
Tel: 818-353-3772
Fax: 818-353-3776